It is with the heaviest heart I write this to you all today. I hope that my words can be a true reflection of the tears I shed, and the greatest love in my heart… and that the message is received, as it was intended, to guide you to stop for a moment, reflect and feel gratitude.
This morning, we lost our beautiful, vibrant and elegant Bo to an unknown illness that crept upon him literally overnight. After hours in the emergency room, still no conclusions or diagnosis, and no physical, positive response to what was being done for him, Bo has passed on.
Though there is conflict in my body writing this due to sadness, I do not want Bo's life to slip away without it touching someone - even one person - out there. I feel much shame, as I found out about Bo after making a phone call to another board member, upset that people were anxiously awaiting for a reply from me… ironically, about Bo's adoption. I felt incredible pressure, with limited time, to respond to everyone and was feeling overwhelmed by the response and lack of time I have had to get back to everyone and find Bo his forever, loving home.
I was in my "human" mind, venting my stresses and frustrations… about something so small in the big picture of life. Meanwhile, unbeknownst to me at the time, Bo was on his way to leaving us all. And that is the message here for you. Weigh your words and upset with the big picture. Time is one precious gift we cannot ever get back. Show compassion to others, as we never know what is going on in their lives… behind closed doors… and when they may leave us, also.
Tomorrow is never a promise, live full today. Live with love. Share love, show love… live in the moment, celebrate joy, family and friends. Practice gratitude for all that you have, including life today, and all the people around you. Bo was an amazing animal. His beauty (internal and external) and zest for life are shining examples of a precious existence. He may not have lived long, but he lived fully.
It gives me some peace to know that we were able to pet Bo goodbye… so he knew he was not alone, and that he was loved.
And with that, I conclude: We love you, Bo and will miss you greatly. May your life live on in the hearts of all those that knew you… and in those reading this. There will be no greater memorial for Bo than for you all to take this with you today, and to move through your day with gentleness, kindness and compassion. And most of all, unconditional love for all those you encounter.
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