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I've been reading an amazing memoir book by Glennon Doyle Melton, made famous by her raw and open blog, Momastery.
I've been reading an amazing memoir book by Glennon Doyle Melton, made famous by her raw and open blog, Momastery.
One of her recent realizations in the chapter I am on is about how becoming a "grown up" means unbecoming... we are always seeking to become something bigger, better, or do something more, better, different. But so much about learning our Soul Lessons is about undoing, unlearning, de-conditioning, deprogramming... going back to the Start of it all. Going back to who we were before the world had its affects on us.
"Can you remember who you were before the world told you who you should be?" — Danielle LaPorte |
So much of who we are is lost in the world as we "grow up" and maybe part of "growing up" spiritually means re-learning and reclaiming those parts of ourselves, maybe just some of them, or by at least becoming aware of them. Removing ourselves from the conditioning, the judgments and the self-limiting beliefs we have picked up, learned, programmed in our psyche and basically brainwashed ourselves with for years and years. Part of living happily is living authentically. Getting to the core of Who We Really Are.
Today, I wish you precious moments, reclaiming stolen memories, and a day of peace as you sift through the chaos of things and find Who You Really Are, and what really makes you happy.
Let your Soul sing today... even if just briefly.
For more inspi-pics like this one, check out my Instagram page: https://www.instagram.com/camille_lucy_26/
If there is anything I can do to support you on your journey to transformation, please do not hesitate to reach out.
Check out my first book here: www.TheRealLoveExperiment.com
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