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Raisins....... yay or nay?
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Who knew Raisins could be so transformative? |
I've never been a big fan of raisins. They sort of creeped me out. So, when Cory emptied bags of mini boxes of raisins on the table during the class I attended this past Sunday, I wasn't thrilled but I was excited for the exercise (If you did not receive the email I sent out about the class, you can read it here).
Let's rewind a second: if you are new to receiving my emails, this may seem like a strange email. I agree. But hear me out before deleting and spamming me! Most of my emails are short, sweet and inspirational. This one will be a little big longer, as there is a lot of information here.
So, the purpose of the raisins was to learn about Mindful Eating. This is a practice that brings us back to the present moment and allows us the unique opportunity to use all of our senses and really pay attention. So often, we eat on the fly, shoving food in our mouth almost unconsciously, not even tasting or enjoying the food or experience. And, often times we eat to fill voids, not because we are actually hungry. Through Mindful Eating, we learn to pay attention to our body's signals, messages and needs while also discovering how beneficial a simple practice can be (for those of you wanting to know some benefits of Mindful Eating, click here for a Google search that will bring up plenty of articles with information).
So, what was this practice we did in class? It was really fun; I actually felt like a little kid and almost giggled in excitement and curiosity and amusement.
These were the instructions:
* Pretend you are an Alien visiting this planet and you've never seen raisins before. * Take a raison out of the little red box. * Hold it in your hand, examine it with your sight for a few moments and find words to describe it. Mine happened to look like a brain! * Next, use a pointer finger to touch and feel the raisin. What does it feel like? What are some words you can use to describe it? * Bring the raisin up to your nose and smell it. What does it smell like? How would you describe the smell? * We laughed as we did the next part, because it is really weird and silly to think about hearing a raisin, but try it out, anyway. Some people said they heard crackling and popping. * Last, we put the raisin up to our lips and held it there for a second. By this point I was actually looking forward to eating the raisin even tho I never liked raisins! Cory asked us to pay attention as our tongue and lips participated in bringing the raisin from lips to mouth. Then we chewed and tasted the raisin, slowly, paying attention to the sensations and whatever came up for us.